Here’s the scoop, in most states, the CCSSI were pushed through because of the promise of grant $ (via RtTT). In some states, only the state superintendent or the Board could make the decision to approve the CCSSI. In Massachusetts, the governor stacked the deck in his favor. He appoints to the Board. Before the vote, Gov Patrick didn’t reappoint those who planned to vote AGAINST the CCSSI, so he actually controlled the vote. NH & WA state are trying to pass a bill to mandate that the legislature vote on the CCSSI (not the Board). A local school board in Massachusetts got three state reps to draft a bill for Massachusetts to pull out of the CCSSI.
Check out this blog from Washington State:
Bottom line from this blog:
The people for the CCSS want to nationalize our education system. They want to give away the rights of the citizens of Washington to affect the education of our children and give it to a very small group of unelected people in Washington DC. This small group of people (CCSSI) was formed and financed by Bill Gates and then put under the auspices of the National Governors Association (NGA) and the Counsel of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO). The governors and the state superintendents really have very little input to this group. Any state only has one vote to make any changes or to resist what they are doing. While a state could back out of the association, once we start down the CCSS road it would cost hundreds of millions to reverse course. This is even worse than federal control because these people are insulated from any public vote.
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