I think it is important to understand and utilize technology but believe it is more important to firmly understand the basic mathematical principals, algorithms, and logical thought behind the scenarios/problems before technology is employed. If a person does not know how to break complex statements into steps and cannot work through each logical step independent of a calculator or computer, they cannot recognize or reconcile incorrect results when computer models break, formulate their own logical models or troubleshoot basic (or advanced) errors. In my experience, most people are eager to learn the logic and understand the relationships; it is empowering!
I think it is important to understand and utilize technology but believe it is more important to firmly understand the basic mathematical principals, algorithms, and logical thought behind the scenarios/problems before technology is employed. If a person does not know how to break complex statements into steps and cannot work through each logical step independent of a calculator or computer, they cannot recognize or reconcile incorrect results when computer models break, formulate their own logical models or troubleshoot basic (or advanced) errors. In my experience, most people are eager to learn the logic and understand the relationships; it is empowering!